Our Impact


The European Youth Parliament provides young people with a forum to develop and express their opinions, as well as get equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to positively impact the world around them. We work to promote intercultural understanding, constructive dialogue, and creative problem-solving. As such, our activities have a measurable impact on young people across Europe.

1. Solving problems

Solving problems in collaborative and democratic ways


Every year, the EYP helps 30,000 young people from across Europe develop and express their opinions, set and follow ground rules for peaceful collaboration, and suggest solutions to pressing modern-day challenges.

3. Developing skills

Developing skills and growing as a person


The EYP encourages independent thinking and initiative amongst young people and facilitates the learning of crucial social and professional skills, like teamwork, tolerance and problem-solving, as well as communication and leadership skills.

2 cEngaging with topics

Engaging with current topics and building dialog


Discussions during EYP events cover a wide range of topics, such as international politics, human rights, climate change, health and energy. Discussing topics that drive conflict in societies gives our partcipants the oppurtunity to build a constructive dialogue with people they disagree with.

4. Building frienships_Gojka Enea_Brno IS_2017_faces (2)

Building intercultural understanding and friendships


After a typical EYP event, more than 90% of participants report that by taking part, they have increased intercultural understanding and built international friendships.

6. New ideas Janne Vanhemmens

Inspiring new ideas to positively shape the world


Young people active in the EYP are passionate about social and political challenges. When organising EYP events, they strive to find sustainable solutions and create ties with their local communities.


Empowering young, active citizens



As a result of our events, more than 90% of participants indicate an increased willingness to actively get involved in society and politics.