27 Kas Energy topics discussed during EYP International Sessions (video!)
Power Shifts 2.0 project becomes an integral part of the EYP sessions! Every International Session happening throughout the project phase 2018-2021 will receive funds for the energy-focussed committee to provide more participants with a chance to debate the future of energy, learn more about the topic and gain valuable insights from the experts.
Now every participant of the International Sessions can contribute to the project by providing ideas on the future of Europe’s energy. International Sessions in Vilnius and Rotterdam earlier this year have already profitted from the partnership. All new ideas and perspectives collected in the form of resolutions during international, national or regional sessions in the frame of Power Shifts will be summarised in an annual report during the Power Lab.
Watch the reflections of the delegates of the ITRE Committee of Rotterdam IS on their experience with the topic, committee work and discussion with an expert – Dr. Rene Mono from the New Responsibility Foundation (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung). Join ITRE Committee during the next IS!