05 Mar Join the Alumni Network Steering Group!
We are happy to announce the call for all who would like to join the Alumni Steering Group! If you have finished your active EYP career and have some ideas on what the alumni network can do for current EYPers or how to improve and strengthen the community feeling and exchange among alumni EYPers, let us know via this link: https://infoeyp.survey.fm/steering-group-alumni.
The Alumni Network initiative started during the 30th anniversary of EYP at the International Session in Brno. Since then, the Steering Group formed of alumni who were committed to bringing forward the ideas discussed in Brno, has been the main strategizing body of the initiative, together with IO of EYP as the implementation partner, and supported by the Governing Body.
The main goals of the alumni initiative have revolved around the following points allowing alumni to:
(1) Return to EYP as a place to exercise active citizenship;
(2) Give back to EYP;
(3) Reconnect with friends and revive EYP spirit.
Bearing this ideas in mind, the alumni initiative has implemented several projects such as: Europe-wide alumni get-togethers (called“Happy Hours”), a crowdfunding campaign for EYP Alumni, the very first Alumni Reunion in 2018 and an upcoming one for 2019 during the International Session in Hamburg (September), as well as two rounds of a mentorship programme connecting alumni, with experience in different professions and carreers, with younger active EYPers.
If you would like to be part of the Steering Group and have a sparking idea for the alumni network – don’t hesitate to fill out the form here https://infoeyp.survey.fm/steering-group-alumni by March 15th.