16 Nis Join us for the EYP’s first Power Lab!
Join Maria Fedoruk, the Head Facilitator, for the Power Lab 2019 taking place in Berlin from 7th – 10th of June 2019.
The Power Lab 2019 is an event in the frame of the Power Shifts – Reflecting Europe’s Energy project that seeks to leverage the academic potential of the EYP, as well as to improve the EYP’s output by producing creative material about the sessions’ results. It is going to be an annual event gathering up to 15 enthusiastic participants taking place at the end of each project’s yearly cycle of the Power Shifts project running between June 2018- June 2021.
What will we be doing?
The Power Shifts Fund has supported 9 sessions between June 2018 and June 2019, giving participants an opportunity to focus on the topic of Energy Governance. Among them were the international sessions Vilnius IS and Rotterdam IS, as well as different regional and national sessions, such as the Vejle Regional Session, Thessaloniki National Session, Munster Regional Session; Villach Regional Session; Baku National Session; Eaubonne National Session, Dnipro Regional Session.
The goal of the Power Lab 2019 is to create multimedia content that can be shared and communicated within and outside of our network, making the topic of Energy Governance more accessible. The content will be based on the past sessions’ resolutions, allowing us to take discussions of delegates from various sessions and open them up to the outer world, in a creative and relatable manner. Participants will have the opportunity to create concepts and put those in motion, giving them full ownership of the product. With the media resources from the sessions supported by the Power Shifts Fund available, our task will be to summarise and communicate thoughts and ideas of committees, while choosing a relatable format. Participants do not have to be experienced Media Team members.
Who can apply?
- Chairs/Vice-Presidents/Presidents of the Power Shifts (energy-focused) committees/sessions
- Media Team Members of the Power Shifts sessions
- Media Team members who might be interested in the topic and have some creative ideas
How to apply?
Please apply through the link here: https://infoeyp.survey.fm/participants-power-lab-2019 by April 25th (call prolonged by 3rd of May).
All costs (travel costs up to 150 euro, accommodation, catering etc.) are covered through the Power Shifts project.