08 Eki Power Shifts Fund 2018: results announced!
In 2018, energy related topics will be debated in seven EYP countries with the support of the recently introduced Power Shifts Fund. We are happy to announce the results of the first application round!
Power Shifts – Reflecting Europe’s energy project is now becoming an integral part of the EYP, making the energy related debates a significant component of the EYP activities. EYP International Sessions taking place between 2018-2021 will benefit from the access to energy experts as well as innovative discussion formats. Moreover, regional and national EYP activities that foster the understanding of energy related challenges and opportunities will be supported from the Power Shifts Fund. As the result of the first application round, National Selection Conferences in Azerbaijan, France, Ukraine and Greece as well as Regional Sessions in Denmark, Ireland and Austria will receive the funding. Congratulations!
The next call for applications for the events taking place in 2019 will take place in late November/December 2018. Stay tuned!